over 1 year ago (Edited)
spanked: I had a mutual talk about Isr*el and how it should be free. I don’t think I’ve been vocal about this, but putting my stance here! i know this is meant to be “fun” app but I can’t help but keep advocating on things on the other side of the world, while you and I post about pixels, there are people that don’t have access to basic human rights! -blocking anyone that asks for boosts under this post. #freePalestine
spanked: I had a mutual talk about Isr*el and how it should be free. I don’t think I’ve been vocal about this, but putting my stance here! i know this is meant to be “fun” app but I can’t help but keep advocating on things on the other side of the world, while you and I post about pixels, there are people that don’t have access to basic human rights! -blocking anyone that asks for boosts under this post. #freePalestine
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