@jiaoqiu 👀 @pi_k люблю💓 Ребята я не вижу ваших сообщенияй так что пишите в постах I don't see the messages you are sending me, write to me in the posts so that I can see
Joined September 2024
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#Selling #FuzzyPolarBearPaws 900-1k
#Selling #SoftSpringLips 2.3k Write problems with notifications in the comments!
#Selling #PetalTuftWarmers 300g
#Selling #BasicLongPigtail 700g Write in the comments about the purchase g/trade
#Selling #SweetkittySkirtall 70g
#Selling #PetalTuftWarmers 350g If you want to buy, write in the comments
#Selling #SoulSuckerzJeans 80g If you want to buy, write in the comments
#Selling #SweetkittySkirtall 70g If you want to buy, write in the comments
#Selling #SweetkittySkirtall 100g If you want to buy, write in the comments
#Selling #ScratchedCheeks 180g If you want to buy, write in the comments