hello. 12/31. capricorn. 31. 🔞 no one under 18 pls I’m kinda bad at replying to messages.. so if I haven’t responded to you yet I’m sorry.. I am working on it. @m3rc_ 🫰🏼💕😘 Pjs and/or afk sign = zzzzz😴 Pinned item/my pet owl is only for trading for another pet.
Joined July 2023
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942 Following
I would legit sell my right kidney for any #ominousegg! Like… why can’t I be lucky… I can’t even get a reg bunbud or anything. lol. Pls God… maybe one...
I’m so confused. Where are ppl getting all these account bound @Mockeri items? There’s soooo many cute things I want and I’ve never seen them anywhere...