🇨🇺 + 🔵𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝓜𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓎🔵 =🏠 🏳️🌈🫃🏿 SF GOLD OR OTP "Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change. That is crazy. But the first time somebody told me that, I don't know, I thought they were bullshitting me so, boom, I shot him." Vaas Montenegro.
Joined July 2024
67 Friends
85 Following
#Selling 150g #WhiteLegwarmerBoots #PlumpBabyLips #LookingForTrouble #AppleBlossomBalloons #sell #explore #sfexplore
‼️ SELLING ‼️ #ouiouibaguette 100g #starleaguevrheadset 100g #lookingfortrouble 150g #twigout 100g #ameowybrew 100g
SELLING #LookingForTrouble 100g
#selling #LookingForTrouble for 160g or opt #buying #buy #sf #sfexlope #explore #sell #art
Selling!! #LoveAlarmSmoke - 200g #LookingForTrouble - 100g #PuppyBoyEars - 200g #NotSoLovely - 100g
Cheap quick sell #lookingfortrouble 90g or OPT #teenkinghair 100g #wavypastelstreaks 40g or OPT #thatboyhair 40g or OPT
‼️#Selling‼️ #LookingForTrouble 80g
SELLING PM @TOGHII TO BUY #swampgoblisears #lookingfortrouble #l33tsp34k #ribbitybestie #safetyswoop
#selling❤ #lookingfortrouble✨ #100💙 #explore✨
Selling #colorlinereyes 200g #amanitaeyes 300g #throwinglooks 200g #lookingfortrouble 150g #whenspellsgowrong 150g #sell #selling #explore
Selling #lookingfortrouble 100g gold only PM @xacrilyx to buy #selling #sf #sfexplore not #buying
Selling #lookingfortrouble 100g gold only PM @xacrilyx to buy #selling #sf #sfexplore not #buying
Selling #lookingfortrouble for 100g
#selling #lookingfortrouble 100g #vampirehair 50g ❗️GOLD ONLY❗️PM TO BUY #sell #explore #lf #sf #sfexplore #buy #buying #rush #store #storefront
#selling #epic #mallgaleyes 100g #lookingfortrouble 100g #lambtenderears 100g #eyes #aura #accessories #lips