4 months ago (Edited)
Who is someone on highrise that are you the most thankful for this year and why? Easy answer. My other half. @RachelMarieO is who I’m most thankful for. Not only is she gay and accepting of anyone and everyone but she’s also crazy and supplies me with endless entertainment. She makes me smile daily and is always there for me, whenever I need to complain about my kitten or just about being sleepy. I’ll send a month worth of TikTok’s and she’ll reply to every single one like a real best friend. Literal text replies. Then she’ll send me 10 in a single sitting. The balance is perfect. It’s just a bond unlike any other and I’m honestly so thankful for this game and all the crazies I’ve met here. She’s my favorite crazy for sure. 😘 Xoxoxoxooxox #therachels #HRLive #ASafeSpace Idk if Rachel has the June bundle but I actually forgot to buy it before it left the shop because I was holding out on a bundle 😭🥲 🤞 SO here’s hoping - plus a chance to gush about my bestie 😘 ily
- RachelMarieO
😭😭😭 omg you’re so funny! This made me laugh so hard! You always make me laugh and smile so much! I love you so much, always your biggest fan!
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