#selling #explore #rushsale #rush #BouquetOfYouCrown Selling for 10k gold only rush sale
“Oh boy, do you believe this situation?”
#selling #KaminariPhasers 30k GOLD ONLY I don’t like when trade offers are full of things I can’t sell or would never wear Ty.
Back to regular programming, taking friend applications ❤️
To make a long story short, there was a reason you just chose to leave it out to save face and look better then you actually are ❤️
Through thick and thin the real ones stay, and the ones that didn’t make the cut left so glad I have y’all in my life ❤️
Very glad I have friends that care for each other, wouldn’t know what I’d do without y’all ❤️
“Stop posting on the hashtag” Haux I made one post who are you? Exactly no one
Y’all gotta stop asking me to join ur crew just cause I completed a grab, I hate eventing and to be asked if I want to join urs makes me uncomfortable...
Bullet fragment, acting crazy after you wanted to mend a friendship that wasn’t meant to be with me when you didn’t like me from day 1, I have connect...