Trading #FreshOutOfTheBox - 650g-550g #DemonHornsUndercut - 350g - 300g (lowered prices so ppl can buy them!) ONLY GOLD!!
Logging out as Steve Harvey, PEACE✌️
yall, how many hours has it been? since i was online?? i was too busy making my family feud room and i wasnt focused on the time....
im a multi-colored feather queen✨️💅❤️🔥
When i first read the Carnaval grab, or i think the post, i cant remember...i thought it meant like the #Canada Quebec Carnaval😭😭
Love this fit😍😍
May i happilyhave 6k??👀🤣 i wanna have the rebellious muthuR extras✨️❤️😍
Guys?? whats a good drawing app to use?? im using ibis paint x rn, but im nkt rlly liking it and im seeing awsome art on this app, so any suggestions?...
Whoever gifts me Lana Luv, i love you forever and ever, i will also give your free pet bg art commisions, if i do art commisions, ima draw you, i just...
🎵Oooohhhh i cant get into Society Lounge🎵🎵Oooohhh why cant i get into there??🎵🎵i can only go to small servers but cant go to big ones🎵🎵 someone...
Guys what should i make?? https://highrise.game/highrise-ideas/idea/monster-on-me
Pre-order my idea!! i might make better but if you pre-order this, im just happy! https://highrise.game/highrise-ideas/idea/monster-on-me
Pre-order one of my ideass i made! i might be making more ideas if this does not work out, but lets give this a chance! https://highrise.game/highris...