Anyone have any daily quest leaks??👁️🫦👁️ #dailyquest #quest #quests #leak #rewards #buy #sell #help #leaks
Now that's what I was talking about! Easy rewards for free players. #explore #update #rewards #event
So, wait. Are all ticket rewards going to be account bound now?? I was trying to get some from last event #explore #event #halloween #rewards #wtf
there’s no way HR is actually serious with these account bound rewards for every event💀 #tricksandtreats #accountboundrewards #tickets #accountbound...
did hr not get the “feedback” they needed from the last event with account bound item?!? 🙄 #event #explore #rewards #grab
The fact that the ticket rewards go up to 320m now instead of 75m is ridiculous #event #explore #rewards